Friday, April 29, 2011


have you ever wonder what's the different between donut and bagel?? i always thought it is the same. after researching from various website i have summaries in a table. Do take a look!! :)




Cooking method

- Deep fried

-Lightly boiled and brown till golden brown


- Sweet. Normally with sugar sprinkle on top

- Not sweet. Normally eat with cream cheese


1 glazed donut: 180

1 plain bagel: 340

Total carbohydrate:



Total fat



Image of BagelImage of donut


Product Recall Insurance

General Liability Insurance Including Products Liability Insurance For Manufacturers, Distributors, Installers, Importers, And Sellers Of Products. Save Up To 38%!

Product Recall Insurance

Product Recall insurance provides protection for you in the event you must recall any of your products. Coverage can include product recall expenses and liability to third parties seeking damages because your product recall could cause a loss of income or damage their reputation. If your product poses an imminent threat of property damage or bodily injury, Products Recall Coverage should respond. It will respond to voluntary or involuntary (government or 3rd party-imposed) recalls that satisfy the policy trigger.
The Two Parts of Product Recall Coverage

Product recall has two parts, Coverage A, First Party Expenses and Coverage B, Third Party Liability.

Coverage A covers the following Direct Expenses associated with your product recall:

* Cost associated with notifying customers
* Shipping Cost
* Extra warehouse and storage expense
* Actual cost to dispose of the products
* The cost of extra personnel required to conduct the recall

Coverage B covers damages of a third party sustained due to a product recall attributable to your product. This covers your legal obligation to pay compensatory damages. Costs include but are not limited to:

* The recall expenses of any third party for the recall of any product that incorporates your product including the cost to repair or replace such product
* Business Interruption losses of others resulting from the covered incident
* The cost to repair and rehabilitate brand reputation
* The additional cost to purchase substitute goods to replace your products

Why You Should Consider Purchasing Both Coverage A & B

Coverage A & B should be purchased together if any of the following conditions exist:

* If there is a third party between your company and the ultimate consumer because the third party can claim loss of income or reputation due to the recall
* If your company manufactures a product that is sold under a third party's name. This could be a component or the finished product.

The only time Coverage B may not be needed is when you sell products under your own label or a third party is not involved.

It is also important to note that Coverage B will not cover any direct expenses you could incur such as replacement parts, repair, retrofitting or disposal if the recalled product is returned to you for handling.
Additional Endorsements

* The Impaired Property Endorsement can be an important coverage if you are a component or ingredient manufacturer. Impaired property is a third party's product that cannot be used or is less useful because it incorporates your component or ingredient that is known or thought to be deficient and can be restored by repair, replacement, adjustment or removal of your component or ingredient.

It is important to note that Product Recall coverage is triggered by the imminent danger of your product or component causing bodily injury or property damage, while the trigger for Impaired Property is that your ingredient or component potentially has made another product less useful.
* Cost to Refund, Repair or Replace Endorsement amends coverage A to include your cost to refund, repair or replace your product or products.
* Worldwide Coverage amends Coverage Territory to include all parts of the world, excluding any jurisdiction in which this policy may be prohibited by local laws, statute or regulation.
* Up to 25% package discounts for CGL/Products coverage when written in conjunction with the Product Recall!

Class of Products Not Considered for Product Recall Coverage

* Tobacco products- remove
* Tires
* Parachutes
* Nuclear Materials
* Implanted Medical Products
* Paint, Sealants and Wood Preservatives
* Latex Gloves
* Fireworks
* Explosives
* Coffins or Caskets
* Child Car Seats
* Boats or Ships
* Automotive products
* Aircraft products

Target Classes for Product Recall Coverage

* Vitamins
* Toys & Games
* Safety Products
* Printing/Packaging
* Meat or Poultry Accounts
* Meat
* Medical Products
* Household Appliances
* Furniture & Fixtures
* Food Flavorings
* Firearms & Ammunition
* Exercise Equipment
* Electronic Components
* Computers
* Bottle Manufacture
* Breweries
* Bakery
* Tobacco products

Minimum Premium

Up To $10,000,000

Deductible or Self-Insured Retention
$25,000 or higher


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Reasons and consequences of product recall

Salmonella infection behind PrimaDeli food poisoning
Lee Hui Chieh
Thu, Dec 06, 2007
The Straits Times

PRIMADELI cakes, currently behind an islandwide wave of food poisonings, could have been contaminated by eggs or cream laced with bacteria, an infectious disease expert said yesterday.

Meanwhile, the authorities have ordered PrimaDeli to recall all its products, and shut down its factory until the company can prove it is clean. Investigations into the outbreak are ongoing.

This is a preview of an incident that requires product recall.

To know more find out go to :

The salmonella incident is one of the big food poisoning issue that happened in Singapore. Other cases like high levels of melamine found in milk products imported into Singapore from China also showed to be a issue that is greatly affects consumers confidence in the company.

Preview of the melamine issue (china milk and milk products) :

New laboratory findings showed White Rabbit Creamy Candy from China is also contaminated with melamine, the city-state’s government announced late yesterday.

Melamine is at the centre of a widening food safety scandal in China, where authorities said nearly 13,000 children were in hospital yesterday after drinking toxic milk powder.

On Friday, Singapore suspended the import and sale of all milk and milk products from China after local tests found samples containing melamine, which is used to make plastics.

Retailers and importers have been told to recall these products.

For more on the article, please go to :

The articles are all examples of product recalls that have been done in Singapore.

Kong Carol

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011


i think this donut design is very unique and interesting. so posting it up to let u guys see. the chef was actually trying out new design for the donut.


Thursday, April 7, 2011


i think this video is interesting. u can make your own vacuum pack for free. juz need water and zip lock bag. take a look!


Belshaw Donut processing

You can find Belshaw doughnut processing plant at youtube. Just type Belshaw Donut processing and click search. The first video is about the processing plant. Yukun

The Donut Song
