Sunday, June 26, 2011

Trips to the loo

After a firsthand experience as a victim of a food poisoning case when I was interning in my OSIP in Bangkok, the once far-fetched perception of the much warned high probability of food poisoning in a foreign country will not affect me had actually happened. It was a dreadful 2 days where almost every moment is filled with much trips to the loo.

During that two days, when I was feeling a little better, I managed to find some information on why did I felt feverish. I search the net for the symptoms for food poisoning due to the numerous trips to the toilet. I found out that I was down with Infective diarrhoea which is also often referred to as gastroenteritis. This was because I was exposed to bacteria and viruses that I have not encountered in Singapore so my immune system was not really ready for them.

The common symptoms were recurrent loose, watery stools, abdominal cramps and pain, fever, lightheadedness or dizziness from dehydration. I experienced all the signs and symptoms. Re- hydration is very important as lots of bodily fluids will be lost during this period of time. I didn’t go to the doctor because the diarrhoea cleared up after a day or so. However in other cases of food poisoning, things will get worst. For example:


1) France investigates 2 new suspected E. coli cases

Read more:

2) Some infections include similar diarrhoea symptoms:

E. coli infection can cause haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS). The symptoms include:

Abdominal cramps, vomiting, bloody diarrhoea (dysentery), which can cause dehydration, severe fatigue, anaemia, uraemia & bleeding tendencies.

Read more from:
Kong Carol

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