Friday, May 13, 2011

History of Donuts!

According to historical accounts, donuts first appeared in the 16th century as deep fried cakes known as olykoek by Dutch immigrants who then brought it to American soil. Legend has it that the "hole-in-centre" of a doughnut is credited to a New England sea captain named Mason Crockett Gregory (also known as Hansen Gregory) and his mother Elizabeth, who made olykoeken for her son's sea voyages. The centers of these doughnuts tended to be uncooked through the middle and to conceal this, Elizabeth would stuff nuts in the centre (hence one explanation for the name!). Apparently, Captain Gregory did not like the nuts nor the uncooked centers, and during one of his voyages, the quick-thinking Captain impaled his doughnuts on one of the spokes of his steering wheel - and voila! the modern-day doughnut was born! There are, of course, other accounts of the humble doughnut's possible origins.


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