Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bamboo trays and BSE

A picture bamboo trays. It would be recommended to use other materials rather than bamboo as it is likely to to be porous like wood. Other recommendation would include stainless steel trays for production of our product (BBQ BEEF).


MAD COW DISEASE (BSE : bovine spongiform encephalopathy)

BSE ("Mad Cow Disease") and nvCJD

Both disorders (BSE & nvCJD) are lethal brain diseases caused by a prion –It’s a protein particle that does not have nucleic acid. Due to this lacking it is held to be the reason of different infectious diseases that affect the nervous system.

Reason of outbreak of BSE

By September 1997, more than 168,000 cases of BSE had been confirmed in Great Britain. It may due to the feeding of scraps that contain sheep meat-and-bone meals to cattle. The increase in the scale of this BSE outbreak might be due to the practice of feeding young calves with bovine meat-and-bone meals.

Surveillance of BSE cases

Public health control measures have been implemented in each country of Europe to prevent potentially BSE-infected tissues from entering the human food chain. These preventative measures appear to have been effective as according to the US Department of Agriculture, no cases of BSE has not been detected in the United for some years now.

Cited from :

Kong Carol

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